What Sets Us Apart

At Newport-Mesa Orthodontics and Family Dentistry, we aim to deliver a quality experience you can take with you. We focus on long-lasting care. The team at Newport-Mesa Orthodontics and Cosmetic Dentistry guarantees that we’ll to give you care you can trust.

  • We use the most advanced technology available and are active in numerous professional organizations, including the American Dental Association and Orange County Dental Society.
  • Our patient education will make you self-reliant. Our staff is available to support you after treatment with tips and explanations. This allows you to get the most from your care, and we have found that it greatly reduces overall cost.
  • We have a seasoned financial staff that individualizes your financial plans to allow you the flexibility you need when paying.
  • Our appointment flexibility is exceptional. We are open every weekday from 10 am to 5 pm, and on Saturdays by appointment only. We also provide 24/7 emergency care. Though we cannot plan when emergencies will happen, we can guarantee to be ready and available when they do.
  • We are an environmentally conscious, paperless “green office.” We do what we can to limit negative impacts to the natural world.
  • We also believe in contributing to the surrounding community. We frequently contribute to many local schools. Fundraisers for education are welcome too.


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